Monday, December 29, 2008
Another year closing in
So what were your favorite memories of 2008? I just cannot believe 2008 is almost over already! It seems like it just started! My boys are growing like crazy, and I can't believe we will be parents to 5 kids in the next 4 to 5 months!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Are you all ready for Christmas? What else do you have left to do? I don't have much left which feels good :) Waiting on hubby to get home to help me finish up the last little bits :)
Newest little monkey
The newest addition is either extremely stubborn or just shy LOL We had our big ultrasound yesterday and no gender shots :( This one would NOT show! It was jumping a little, curling it's toes for us, waved several times, and opened it's mouth really wide like it was yelling, but refused to show. Baby is now 1/2 a lb and 9.8cm from crown to rump which they said is perfect (53% for this stage).

Monday, December 15, 2008
It's the most, wonderful time of the year!
Daddy is coming home Friday, Christmas is just 9 sleeps away, and my kids are VERY excited! :) We're having the wonderful ice/snow this week, but it's all good :) I'm just about finished with my christmas shopping, I'm waiting to wrap until hubby comes home (He's gotta do SOME of it, right? LOL), and I'm having a great week :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas goodies
What is your favorite Christmas treat recipe? I love baking during the holidays. I usually make a few different kinds of cookies, fudge, and brownies.
One of my favorites is the fudge, and it's incredibly easy too! 1 bag of chips (peanut butter, chocolate, etc), and 1 tub of frosting any flavor. You can come up with some amazing creations when you melt it together! My favorite is either peanut butter with chocolate frosting for PB/Choc fudge, or the Peanut butter chips with vanilla frosting for PB fudge.
Care to share your favorites?
One of my favorites is the fudge, and it's incredibly easy too! 1 bag of chips (peanut butter, chocolate, etc), and 1 tub of frosting any flavor. You can come up with some amazing creations when you melt it together! My favorite is either peanut butter with chocolate frosting for PB/Choc fudge, or the Peanut butter chips with vanilla frosting for PB fudge.
Care to share your favorites?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Our Santa pic :)
I took the boys to see Santa today. It didn't phase Max at all LOL He was content just to sit there but refused to smile. Cody just giggled anytime Santa talked to him. He couldn't even answer LOL Kasy and Alex were anxious to tell him what they wanted. I think the pic turned out pretty cute :)

I'm also adding a few I took last night :) The top one is for our Christmas card this year.

I'm also adding a few I took last night :) The top one is for our Christmas card this year.

Friday, December 5, 2008
Fingerprint Friday!
Fingerprint Friday
There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in.
1. Blog with your interpretation of God's fingerprints. Be sure to link back to PamperingBeki so others can find the entire list of participants!
2. After you've posted your blog, sign the Mr. Linky on Beki's page! Have fun exploring the other links as well! Please only sign in if you're participating and sharing pics. Hopefully this will make us look at things through fresh eyes throughout the week!

I'm blogging nature this week. It is so amazing to me to see the flowers bloom. Then as winter approaches, the leaves change colors, snow falls, ice sets in, and everything transforms. I love the different seasons, but I do miss the flowers during the winter!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Baby news
13 days until we possibly find out what this newest little monkey is! I had my 15 week appt today and all is good so far :) Measuring right on and still under my pre-pregnancy weight which feels great!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another Amazing Giveaway!!!!
Have you ever seen something on TV and thought "Wow, that would be cool to have." Well, now is your chance! Jenni, over at Jenni B Originals is giving you a chance to win one of her handmade ornaments that she took with her onto the Martha Stewart Show and Martha is putting into her magazine! Click on the link above and check it out!!!!
Oh Christmas Tree....
When does your tree go up? We are putting ours up Friday at my oldest sons request ( I would have done it now LOL). He wants to do it Friday so we have more time to decorate it. They won't have early bedtime since there won't be school the next day.
I think we're going to make a fun night out of it and maybe make pizzas, put on a christmas movie, and just have fun.
What is your tradition?
I think we're going to make a fun night out of it and maybe make pizzas, put on a christmas movie, and just have fun.
What is your tradition?
Deals, Deals and more Deals
So how did everyone do with the recent sales hitting the stores? I'll be honest and say that I don't think they were nearly as good this year as the past years on black friday! I think the stores could have done A LOT better, especially with the recession going on. If they wanted more sales, they should have given better deals!
I went to Best Buy with my FIL on Black Friday and it was a lot of fun :) We were two of the crazy ones who left at 3:30am LOL But the experience is what I love, even if I don't buy anything! I then took my two little ones around to the mall and Toys R Us at noon.
I went to Best Buy with my FIL on Black Friday and it was a lot of fun :) We were two of the crazy ones who left at 3:30am LOL But the experience is what I love, even if I don't buy anything! I then took my two little ones around to the mall and Toys R Us at noon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Heading out for the holidays!
I'm taking the boys down to see family for the holidays :) Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
YouTube video for Randy Miller of the Myriad
I just thought I'd share this video, it's very touching! You can read more a few posts down on my blog about him.
Randy Miller
Randy Miller
Monday, November 24, 2008
So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving this year? I am taking my boys down to my husbands parents house :) We are all very excited to go too! We just wish Daddy could be here to go along as well!
So tell me one thing you are Thankful for.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, and my husbands family. They have welcomed me in since day one and made me feel like a huge part of the family rather than an outsider. I couldn't have asked for better in-laws!!!!
So tell me one thing you are Thankful for.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, and my husbands family. They have welcomed me in since day one and made me feel like a huge part of the family rather than an outsider. I couldn't have asked for better in-laws!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fingerprint Friday
(As seen on PamperingBeki!)
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in.
1. Blog with your interpretation of God's fingerprints. Be sure to post a comment with your link so others can see yours too!
2. Check out PamperingBeki's page for her's and a list of others as well!

I chose a picture I took at Silver Dollar City last year. Animals are always something that has amazed me. It's amazing that God created so many kinds of creatures like this. The nature in this scene is just beautiful as well. If you've never had the chance to go, check out Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO during Christmas Season one year. It is very beautiful!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fingerprint Friday
There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in.
1. Blog with your interpretation of God's fingerprints. Be sure to post a comment with your link so others can see yours too!
2. Check out PamperingBeki's page for her's and a list of others as well!

I chose a picture I took at Silver Dollar City last year. Animals are always something that has amazed me. It's amazing that God created so many kinds of creatures like this. The nature in this scene is just beautiful as well. If you've never had the chance to go, check out Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO during Christmas Season one year. It is very beautiful!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wild Man
My youngest has decided it's a lot of fun to attempt running now that daddy is gone LOL He was taking up to 6 steps the day daddy left, and now is walking everywhere. (even this weekend he would take quite a few steps, but not walk continuously, he's walking like crazy and trying to run by today!). He can also climb like a monkey. Daddy is in for a surprise when he gets home LOL

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tis the Season....
So as I was driving down my street, I noticed a few houses are already decorated for Christmas. I am not one to decorate until after Thanksgiving (literally the day after LOL Though this year will be a few days after), so I decided to decorate my page a little early :) I'm so eager to get our Christmas stuff out and start enjoying the holiday season!
When do you decorate for Christmas???
When do you decorate for Christmas???
Monday, November 17, 2008
Another week down....
The boys and I have started a countdown for when Daddy comes home. As of now we have 33 days left. We are 2 weeks down, and just about 5 to go. I am so ready for this to be over! LOL It's not only hard missing him so much myself, but seeing my boys struggle because they don't understand why daddy has to be gone. I am thankful this was only 7 weeks, but it doesn't make it any easier on them!
My youngest has started walking all over, beginning to talk, and growing up so fast since daddy left too! Cody did the same when he deployed last time. He started sitting up, walking, crawling, talking and doing all sorts of things within a week of daddy leaving. It's funny how these little monkeys wait like that!
My youngest has started walking all over, beginning to talk, and growing up so fast since daddy left too! Cody did the same when he deployed last time. He started sitting up, walking, crawling, talking and doing all sorts of things within a week of daddy leaving. It's funny how these little monkeys wait like that!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fingerprint Friday
As seen on PamperingBeki
Fingerprint FridayThere is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of godSo look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?

I see them when I see my kids experiencing new things. It's amazing to me that these little people have such wild imaginations. Seeing the look of amazement at things as simple as bubbles! This is my little man Max, and he loves bubbles (as do all of my kids LOL). The look in his eyes when he sees them is so incredible too.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Free 8X10 custom photo book at Snapfish! HURRY! Ends November 14th!
Go to Oprahs page and click on Peter Walsh and a Free Gift. This will give you a link to click and set up a new Snapfish account. After you do this, you will have a credit for a free 8X10 Custom photo book! I just created mine, and it did take awhile, but you only pay shipping (and tax in some states, my tax was 40 cents). So my total in Missouri was $7.39! Hurry though, this expires at midnight on November 14th!!!
Holidays are approaching
Do you like to burn candles when the holidays come near? Listen to your favorite music? What are things you do in the fall and as the holidays approach to warm your house up?
My favorites are burning cinnamon, apple and french vanilla candles. Those are my favorites. I also love listening to Christmas music (after thanksgiving of course LOL)
So what kinds of things do you do?
My favorites are burning cinnamon, apple and french vanilla candles. Those are my favorites. I also love listening to Christmas music (after thanksgiving of course LOL)
So what kinds of things do you do?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Do you like guessing games?
I started an online guessing game for this little baby due in May :) If anybody wants to guess, you're more than welcome to! We'd love to get tons of guesses! We are finding out gender either late December or early January (when my husband gets back home).
The game is at:
Rowe Baby 5
The game is at:
Rowe Baby 5
A friend needs help!
UPDATE: I was told these links aren't working (For some reason they are going through myspace instead of to the sites) If you type in the addresses, it'll go though.
I am friends with a guy that I've known over 10 years now. He was in a band with my oldest brother and we went to the same college. He's now in a new band called "The Myriad" and one of the members could use some help. Repost this as much as you can! I cannot even imagine what this family is going through and how scared he must be!
Letter from the band:
Some of you may have heard, our drummer Randy Miller had a large tumor removed from his shoulder/chest area a few weeks ago which proved cancerous. Initial results indicate Chondrosarcoma (cancer of the bone) and a PET Scan today revealed suspicious spots around the surgical area, his left arm, adrenal gland and pelvis. Chondrosarcoma is very rare and for that reason treatment is necessary at special facilities. He has been referred to Stanford to determine the best course of action. The unfortunate thing is Randy cannot talk with the specialist or even schedule an appointment until the state determines if he is qualified for medi-cal. It appears it could takes weeks or longer before he finds out if he is qualified. We'll keep you updated as soon as we know more.
There are immediate and ongoing financial needs for the Miller family. The support that has come in over the past few weeks has been amazing and we would like to thank everyone for all they are doing. Our friends in Third Day just announced they will be holding a benefit concert for Randy on Sunday, December 7th at Friends Church in Yorba Linda, CA.
Tickets go on sale 11/21 at www. transparentproductions. com .
All proceeds go to Randy Miller.
If you would like to help out financially you can do so by donating to a "Mercy Fund" set up by a non profit organization called The Stirring and currently designated to Randy Miller. There are a few different ways you can send tax deductible donations to this fund.
One is online at www. thestirring. org .
Located to the bottom right of the main page you will see "ONLINE GIVING". If you click on this link you will be directed to a secure page where you can set up an online giving account. Once the account is set up you will see the "MERCY FUND" and be able to send secure donations to the family through this organization.
Tax deductible donations can also be sent in the form of a check to:
The Stirring
RE: Randy Miller
3468 Bechelli Lane Suite E
Redding, CA 96002
Any financial support you can give in order to help the Miller's through this difficult time is appreciated.
Thanks for your support,
The Myriad
I am friends with a guy that I've known over 10 years now. He was in a band with my oldest brother and we went to the same college. He's now in a new band called "The Myriad" and one of the members could use some help. Repost this as much as you can! I cannot even imagine what this family is going through and how scared he must be!
Letter from the band:
Some of you may have heard
All proce
If you would
One is onlin
Tax deduc
The Stirr
RE: Randy
3468 Beche
Any finan
The Myria
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Those dreaded school pictures....
It's that time of year again! School Pictures! I, like a few others that I know, didn't give into the skyrocketed pricing this year. And wouldn't you know, this is the one year that all three turned out pretty good LOL Atleast our school has the option of copying it from the website so you have a copy on the computer! LOL

Veterans Day
I wanted to give a salute to all Veterans and family members today! Sacrificing your life and your career for our Country is one of the bravest things anyone can ever do. I know it's not said enough, but I for one would like to just stop and say a big THANK YOU to every veteran, and every veteran's family members (Even though they are in the background, they are just as much a huge part of serving our country!). My husband has been serving our country for over 16 years now and I couldn't be more proud of him!
I challenge you all to just say those two simple words if you see any Veteran's today. Just say "Thank you." And then watch the look on their face. Those two small words can mean more to any veteran than anything else.
I challenge you all to just say those two simple words if you see any Veteran's today. Just say "Thank you." And then watch the look on their face. Those two small words can mean more to any veteran than anything else.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Like contests?
Head on over to: Simple Mom and check out the contest going on until midnight November 12th! Leave your comments to enter to win an amazing new printer by Epson!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fun gender tests
So since this is our last for sure, I gave in to a fun early gender test called Intelligender. Before you say anything, I know it's not 100% accurate. I've heard that girl results are more accurate than boy results. I thought it would be interesting to see just how accurate it was for me (It was correct for two moms on a board I'm on, one said boy and one said girl.).
So I took the test this morning, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up...but look!
Also, I checked the PH before I did the test, and I was pretty acidic. So I think it has something to do with your ph, but time will tell! Now my big ultrasound can't get here fast enough!
So I took the test this morning, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up...but look!
Also, I checked the PH before I did the test, and I was pretty acidic. So I think it has something to do with your ph, but time will tell! Now my big ultrasound can't get here fast enough!

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Looks of pity
For those with more than the considered "normal" amount of children (I'd say 4 and up), you probably know what I'm talking about. The looks you get when you go into public and people look at you like "My goodness, poor you." I get them even more since my 4 children are all male.
I got quite a few last night. I took the boys to Walmart to get a few groceries (And get Alex something to keep him warm until we find his coat), and you should have seen the looks LOL My 3 year old is sick with croup (though not contageous, just fighting the cough still), so he was laying in a cart pushed by my oldest. Alex, the 2nd oldest was next to me, and the baby was in the cart I was pushing. Along with all of this you see my totally obvious pregnant belly. I don't think anyone dared to ask if I knew the gender this time (Though I've already been asked quite a bit LOL). The joys of being #5 is I'm showing a LOT earlier. I look about 5 months pregnant right now and I'm only just shy of 12 weeks!
Right now I really need to work on some good comebacks for those individuals who think it is their right to give you their opinion. Such as "Don't you know what causes that?" and "Are you going to keep going until you get your girl?" And "Are you SURE It's not twins?" I'm sure there will be more, as there always is.
I got quite a few last night. I took the boys to Walmart to get a few groceries (And get Alex something to keep him warm until we find his coat), and you should have seen the looks LOL My 3 year old is sick with croup (though not contageous, just fighting the cough still), so he was laying in a cart pushed by my oldest. Alex, the 2nd oldest was next to me, and the baby was in the cart I was pushing. Along with all of this you see my totally obvious pregnant belly. I don't think anyone dared to ask if I knew the gender this time (Though I've already been asked quite a bit LOL). The joys of being #5 is I'm showing a LOT earlier. I look about 5 months pregnant right now and I'm only just shy of 12 weeks!
Right now I really need to work on some good comebacks for those individuals who think it is their right to give you their opinion. Such as "Don't you know what causes that?" and "Are you going to keep going until you get your girl?" And "Are you SURE It's not twins?" I'm sure there will be more, as there always is.
It's officially starting to feel like winter here in Missouri. We got up this morning to windchills in the 20s and very chilly! There is no call for snow yet but the highs will stay in the 40s (with windchills in the 30s) for the next week atleast. What a time for Alex to lose his winter coat!!!!! Yeah.....he can't find it LOL It's not at Nana's house, not in daddy's truck (Who is in another state right now), and not in the house. My guess is he left it at school somewhere.
How is your weather?
How is your weather?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fingerprint Friday
(This is copied from Check out that blog for more of these and other awesome stuff!!!)
There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?
I see the fingerprints whenever I look at my boys. It never ceases to amaze me that God gave me these perfect little humans. Seeing their eyes sparkle when they accomplish something, hearing their first cry, and the look you get when they see you for the first time as a newborn. With every baby born, I will never cease to be amazed at what an amazing creation life truly is.

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
Youre a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?
I see the fingerprints whenever I look at my boys. It never ceases to amaze me that God gave me these perfect little humans. Seeing their eyes sparkle when they accomplish something, hearing their first cry, and the look you get when they see you for the first time as a newborn. With every baby born, I will never cease to be amazed at what an amazing creation life truly is.

What do you teach your kids about Politics?
I for one have to say I was really proud of my two oldest boys. They REALLY got into the election this year and wanted to know what was happening, what each person stood for, etc. Kasy was into it a lot more than Alex was. (Alex voted for Obama because "Mom that's a cool name! He'd be a great president if he had a cool name like that!) Kasy voted for McCain. I thought it was really awesome that the school got the kids involved and let them have a mock voting session too! They all felt like they got a chance to make a difference and the teachers taught them about politics and the candidates.
The Talk
How many of you have had to have the "talk" with your kids yet? This is something we're going to have to do soon with our oldest son. I've been completely happy with him being oblivious to anything of that nature, but I'm slowly realizing that he's not LOL He made a word search on his Nana's computer last weekend and was so happy to point out that the word Sex was on there but not in his list. I'm really curious what kids at school have said because that has to be where he's heard stuff.
My plan is to go to the library and see if they have books that will help him understand better. Any advice would be much appreciated though!
My plan is to go to the library and see if they have books that will help him understand better. Any advice would be much appreciated though!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What is...
Your best memory of Christmas?
What memories or traditions do you plan on keeping alive with your children?
What memories or traditions do you plan on keeping alive with your children?
Moms going back to school
How many of you are going back to school? I know it's tough and may seem impossible, but I'm here to tell you it's NOT! I am a stay at home mom to 4 wild boys and another baby on the way. And I am graduating this month with my Bachelor's Degree! It's definitely NOT easy, but it is doable! I can't tell you the satisfaction I feel of accomplishing something so major while not missing out on my kids lives at the same time.
Single Moms
I have to say that I give major credit to single moms! My husband left Monday until Christmas. We are on day 3 and it feels like he's been gone an eternity already! I'm ready for Christmas to get here!
You ever sit and look at your life and wonder how it is moving so incredibly fast? I do all the time. Kasy is almost 10, Alex is almost 7, and they are growing up way too fast. Max is now walking and trying to talk and acts like a big kid already. Codiak is in school now and loving it as well! Oh and more news, we have another one coming in May 2009! I've heard things ranging from "You're CRAZY!" to "Is this just to try for a girl?" I will honestly say that this one was a surprise and we will be happy with whatever we get :) A girl WOULD be nice, but a boy would be just as special too :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Help out my friend!!!
A good friend of mine is trying to sell her camera because they need the money for some upcoming medical stuff. If you are interested in a Canon Digital Rebel XTi with extra's, please check hers out! She is in Canada, but I'm sure the stuff would ship :)
Here's the info:
Canon Rebel Xti. Includes camera, two lenses(EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS and EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM), lense filter, two rechargable batteries, battery grip, all original papers, software, memory card and cord. Large Camera bag.
Here's the info:
Canon Rebel Xti. Includes camera, two lenses(EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS and EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM), lense filter, two rechargable batteries, battery grip, all original papers, software, memory card and cord. Large Camera bag.
Bought in August. Perfect condition. Paid $1800
This is in Canadian money, not sure what the exchange would be to US Dollars :)
This is in Canadian money, not sure what the exchange would be to US Dollars :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Baby comparisons
Crazy times
I really need to get into this blog more LOL LIfe is so crazy lately though! Baseball is starting soon for my oldest two, Max is getting VERY mobile, I am currently in 4 college classes, and we were still busy putting together the new house.
Yesterday I hit the big 29. My hubby took me out for a kidfree dinner and it was WONDERFUL!!!!! We hadn't had a date in awhile and it was much needed :)
So tell me something you are looking forward to in the coming months?
Yesterday I hit the big 29. My hubby took me out for a kidfree dinner and it was WONDERFUL!!!!! We hadn't had a date in awhile and it was much needed :)
So tell me something you are looking forward to in the coming months?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Welcome to Spring!
It has been raining and storming since late last night. We already have atleast 2 inches of rain and we're supposed to get up to 6 more today! This is insane LOL I guess I should be thankful that we atleast don't have the tornado's to go along with it (yet!). I'm not complaining though because it's NOT snow!!!! I can live with the rain, I did it for 19 years growing up in Washington State, the rainiest state in the country LOL
How is your weather?
How is your weather?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Do you like testing products and giving feedback?
If so, you should check out bzzagent! I've been a member since early January and so far I've been able to test out a Pledge Duster and Wipes, Scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner, and now Oust! They send you kits with the products as well as coupons for the products so you can tell people about it and report back with what you said and what they thought. It's a great way to get feedback to the companies about products as well as try out new products for free! You don't have to pay a dime for this! I've really had a lot of fun doing it too and every person you even mention it to, it's considered a bzz that you can go report about and earn points. The more points you get the better because they have rewards for each campaign you are in and you can buy things as little as donations to charities, and as big as ipods!
Check it out! :)
Check it out! :)
Mr. Max is a moose
My little one Max is such a moose. He was weighed and measured yesterday and weighed in at 19 lbs 9 ounces and 27 3/4 inches tall. He's in size 12 months and is only 7 months old this month. He is by far my biggest :) His nickname is still "trollbaby" as he has the hair to match that nickname LOL
Here are a few pics :) he is scooting all around, rolling everywhere, babbling and thinking he's big stuff.

Here are a few pics :) he is scooting all around, rolling everywhere, babbling and thinking he's big stuff.
Still Busy!
We are still busy busy organizing and purging in this house. We're wanting to get rid of stuff so as we put it away, we're going through it. That makes unpacking and setting a new house up a VERY Long process LOL We're getting there though :)
The boys are busy as well. We had that dreaded "influenza" hit our house thanks to the elementary school. Kaseman luckily was only sick 1 day, Bug was sick for 6 days with 103 degree fever, Cody and Max don't have it too bad (Max has an ear infection, Cody just cold symptoms so far) and the hubby got it pretty bad for a few days.
Are you all ready for spring??? We had a taste of spring with 78 degree weather last night. It didn't last though as it SNOWED and sleeted that night LOL This week we hit 60s and now tomorrow we're getting snow again. I wish mother nature would make up her mind!
The boys are busy as well. We had that dreaded "influenza" hit our house thanks to the elementary school. Kaseman luckily was only sick 1 day, Bug was sick for 6 days with 103 degree fever, Cody and Max don't have it too bad (Max has an ear infection, Cody just cold symptoms so far) and the hubby got it pretty bad for a few days.
Are you all ready for spring??? We had a taste of spring with 78 degree weather last night. It didn't last though as it SNOWED and sleeted that night LOL This week we hit 60s and now tomorrow we're getting snow again. I wish mother nature would make up her mind!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Busy Busy Bee!
We got a call last tuesday telling us we had 5 days to move if we wanted a new house. Due to the current issues in our old house of mold and kids being so sick, we took it. So last week consisted of an entire day thursday (6am to 10pm) of packing everything and taking stuff off walls, etc. To Friday (7am to 5pm) of loading trucks, weighing them and unloading them at the new house, to the past few days of unpacking, organizing and decorating. It's been a long week but we're finally getting settled in the new house! One of the many "joys" of military life is that you get short notices such as this one. Almost all of our neighbors got the same "exciting" phone call of a 5 day move. Here are a few pictures of the house before we moved in :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My little Monkey is now 6 months old!
Max turned 6 months old on the 3rd of this month already. Time has really flown! In the past week, he had 2 teeth come through, 2 more working on coming through, he's rolling over, trying to sit up, scooting around the floor, and advancing WAY too fast. He even had his first haircut this past weekend!
Why do babies grow so fast????
Here are a few pictures :)
Why do babies grow so fast????
Here are a few pictures :)
Tis the season for birthdays!!!
Kaseman and Bug are about to have yet another birthday each. I cannot believe how fast these kids are growing up! On Sunday, Kasy will be 9 years old. He is having his first big friend birthday party too. I'm excited yet nervous for it. I'm scared that not everyone will come and he will have to deal with the heartache of being disappointed on this birthday. I'm also afraid that he won't have as much fun as he thinks (he's really blown this up in his mind to be the best thing in the world), and that he'll be disappointed then too. I know it's life, but I really hope I can make this birthday the best birthday ever for him. He's growing up WAY too fast and he's really becoming a smart young man. This is his last year in single digits and I can't believe how big he is.
Bug will be turning 6 next friday as well. He is excited about his birthday too. We will be going to my husbands parents house for his birthday weekend for a little party.
Next week I will be making two sets of cupcakes as well and I'm trying to think of some creative ones that all of the kids would love. In the past I have made Cows, Pigs, and colors. The cows and pigs took a LOT of time, but it was SOOO neat to see all the kids get excited and Kasy was very impressed with his birthday cupcakes in class.
Anybody have any recipes for fun kids cupcakes that would be great for class????
Bug will be turning 6 next friday as well. He is excited about his birthday too. We will be going to my husbands parents house for his birthday weekend for a little party.
Next week I will be making two sets of cupcakes as well and I'm trying to think of some creative ones that all of the kids would love. In the past I have made Cows, Pigs, and colors. The cows and pigs took a LOT of time, but it was SOOO neat to see all the kids get excited and Kasy was very impressed with his birthday cupcakes in class.
Anybody have any recipes for fun kids cupcakes that would be great for class????
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Valentines Day!
So, does anybody have any fun and creative ideas for Valentine's day this year? I think with my boys, we're going to make some heart cakes and decorate them. Then we're going to make cards and fun little treats for the hubby. For school, Alex will be taking valentines with gummy bugs. His nickname is bug, so it fits LOL And Kaseman will be taking valentines with Fun dip! Anybody remember that stuff? I used to love the sticks LOL
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Have a gamer in your home?
I'm not trying to do this for the points LOL I signed up on gamefly today since the two big ones got new gameboys for Christmas. They "think" They need every game made for them. So I figured this might be a better deal. For $20 a month you can rent as many as you want at 2 at a time (If you go through this link It's only $9 for the month). I figured I"d give it a try. This way I'm not out much money when they get sick of playing a certain game and they will constantly have new ones to play!
Long time no blog....
We've been dealing with virus after virus in this house between the 4 boys, then we had Christmas with family, then New Years. Hopefully life will calm for a bit now :)
I hope everyone had a very happy holiday season this year!
Life is still fun in our household.
From the mouth of my 5 year old while playing the game "sorry" with the two big boys. I sent my husband back to his "start" area, and he looked at me and said "I know where you sleep!" just kidding around. Within not even 2 seconds, my 5 year old looked up and said "Yeah, right next to you!" and went on playing the game. I have NO clue how he is this quick, but this kid is funny LOL
We live on a base where there are B-2 Airplanes and he has it in his head as well that he is the one to clean them. If we drive by the flightline and see one sitting out, he will seriously getting upset saying that someone left his B-2 out and now he's going to have to spend all night washing it to get it ready for tomorrow. The child has quite the imagination. It makes me wonder what he'll be when he grows up!
Anybody else have any kids with big imaginations? Share some funny stories :)
I hope everyone had a very happy holiday season this year!
Life is still fun in our household.
From the mouth of my 5 year old while playing the game "sorry" with the two big boys. I sent my husband back to his "start" area, and he looked at me and said "I know where you sleep!" just kidding around. Within not even 2 seconds, my 5 year old looked up and said "Yeah, right next to you!" and went on playing the game. I have NO clue how he is this quick, but this kid is funny LOL
We live on a base where there are B-2 Airplanes and he has it in his head as well that he is the one to clean them. If we drive by the flightline and see one sitting out, he will seriously getting upset saying that someone left his B-2 out and now he's going to have to spend all night washing it to get it ready for tomorrow. The child has quite the imagination. It makes me wonder what he'll be when he grows up!
Anybody else have any kids with big imaginations? Share some funny stories :)
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