Saturday, January 17, 2009


Do you ever get vacations without kids? Just you, maybe with friends, or other people?
The last time I left my kids (other than to be in the hospital to have another baby LOL), was in 2001 when my hubby and I went to Hawaii for 9 days. At that point we just had one child and I missed him like crazy! The vacation was nice though :)
I'm getting ready to go for a week with no kids, no husband. And part of me is dreading being away, but the other part is anxious for the relaxing LOL No more late nights and early mornings (unless it's my choice).


Anonymous said...

I haven't taken a vacation in longer than I can say, certainly never one that's just been me and Rob. Just the one's I went on with my parents. I was hoping we would be lucky enough to get away for a short trip (even just a weekend) before Emmett arrives, but that option flew out the window quite some time ago.

I'm sure you'll get a little home/family sick, but I'm also sure that you're going to have a great time. Relax, have fun, and have a week away that I'm positive you deserve.

Anonymous said...

I have never taken a time away by myself. I am not sure how I would react to it.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit at my blog today. It is very nice to meet you and your family.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Nope, I don't get things like that!

I'm happy for you, but crazy jealous at the same time. ;-)

Tina Kelley said...

My husband and I have never been on a vacation without the kids.. And the longest I've been away from the kids is 4 nights and I was only an hour away.

I miss them quite a bit when I'm gone but it makes the homecomings that much more sweet.

God Bless!